About Us

Guayabo Animal Rescue

Guayabo Animal Rescue was established in 2022 as a nonprofit organization solely relying on private donations. This is the first nonprofit in the Guayabo de Bagaces area of Costa Rica that connects this region with support in the U.S., as well as other areas.
Operating from a pristine 300-acre preserve and located in the rural town of Guayabo, province of Guanacaste, Costa Rica, this province is in the northwestern part of the country, along the Pacific Coast.
The Bagaces area has an estimated population of 14,000 people, with the district of Mogote, where Guayabo is located and considered the town center, has an estimated population of 4,000. This area has a high unemployment rate, which ties in with a high poverty rate. All critical reasons to be serving this area of need.

With no similar shelters or rescues in the area, Guayabo Animal Rescue provides a special opportunity for animals, as well as people, by creating a healthy and happy existence through excellent care, medical support, educational opportunities, and environmental conservation of this unique and delicate biosphere. 

All activities are geared toward promoting the health and well-being of animals, while enriching the lives of people. Please consider supporting our efforts today.


Guayabo Animal Rescue will focus on spay and neuter efforts to help reduce the overall population of dogs and cats, as many in this area are left to live on the streets, suffering from neglect and starvation. These services can be expensive and many people in this rural area (or any area for the matter) cannot afford these type of surgeries that are needed, but to some not necessary. Our medical team offer spay and neuter for a minimal fee or free if a family qualifies. Our goal is to also provide spay and neuter weekend clinics in the area as well, working with guest veterinarians and those located in our region. These clinics will provide additional help with multiple veterinarians working together as a team to provide this critical service. Spay and neuter is the only way to help reduce the over population of pets, and has worked reducing homelessness in areas across the world. For more information on our program please email us at: info@guayaboanimalrescue.org

Providing Homes

Guayabo Animal Rescue offers a permanent home for neglected and abandoned animals, such as dogs, horses, and goats. High quality medical treatment and nutritional care is made available for every animal, along with ample room for free roaming exercise and quality sheltering. No animal is housed in a cage or small enclosure, and animals are not euthanized unless necessary to eliminate extreme suffering. This facility is unique to the area. 

Animals chosen for residence go through a careful evaluation process regarding their current situation. We ensure that they meet our primary criteria for intake-either homeless, and/or require on-going medical treatment. After verifying that we are the best option, animals are provided safe shelter, medical care, and an improved quality of life. 
Adoptions are made available for those we feel can be placed, as well as short-term medical care for pet owners who can’t afford care, but want their pet back upon completion of treatment. 
We may take in animals for rehabilitation, as a means of rehoming. However, some may have more mental or physical issues that can’t be readily rehabilitated or re-homed.
Space is limited so to ensure resources are available for animals and can’t take in, partnering with other organizations is critical. It truly takes a village!
We may also take in animals for rehabilitation, as a means of rehoming. However, some will possibly have more mental/physical issues that can’t be readily rehabilitated or re-homed.

Space is limited so to ensure resources are available for animals we learn of and can’t take in, partnering with other organizations is critical. It truly takes a village!

Adoption Services

Guayabo Animal Rescue provides adoption services to qualified adopters. Dogs are the focus on our adoption services; however, with the right adopter, other animals can be placed into a loving home, as this allows space for other animals in need.
Dogs are exceptional animals, and their ability to form loving bonds with humans is extraordinary. However, far too often they end up in shelters, unfortunate victims of circumstances beyond their control or understanding. We also help serve pets who belong to an owner, but they may not be able to afford needed emergency medical care. The more support we secure, the more people and animals we help save.

Essential to our adoption process, we will take the time to get to know the interested party, as well as offer educational tools including training tips, nutritional best practices, and ensure proper housing and exercise. Of course, we keep in touch with adopters to know things are going great, as well as offer ongoing advice and assistance. This does allow the pet to return if the adopter is unable to continue proper care. 

Animals Available for Adoption

Learn More

Educational Opportunities

We offer educational opportunities to the community through various programs. Topics will include; providing quality nutrition on a tight budget, low cost or free spay/neuter options, properly exercising your pet (companion or large animals), as well as help with alternative ways for proper sheltering (we discourage the practice of tying them up for long periods of time).

In 2016, the nonprofit organization World Animal Protection released a survey on responsible ownership. The study showed that Costa Rican’s generally have deep affection for their pets, but can be better owners. For example, a dog’s dental health, and even desire for exercise and distraction, is often overlooked. While most owners say they mainly keep their dog in the house or in the backyard, 15% will tie them up all day. Enclosing or tying up a dog is one of the most harmful things you can do. A dog needs exercise and stimulation to maintain its health, just like humans.

We offer educational opportunities to the community through various programs. Topics will include; providing quality nutrition on a tight budget, low cost or free spay/neuter options, properly exercising your pet (companion or large animals), as well as help with alternative ways for proper sheltering (we discourage the practice of tying them up for long periods of time).

Medical Assistance

Guayabo Animal Rescue will provide medical assistance through a program called Guayabo Hope Fund. When funds are available we will assist owners of critically ill pets with financial assistance, which also can keep them from having to be placed at our rescue. Partnering with local veterinarians enables us to provide these services. Each case is carefully reviewed for both medical and financial need. All too often in traditional veterinary practices, economic euthanasia is the only option; we strive to never allow this to happen. It truly takes a village! 

Tours and Overnight Visits

At Guayabo Animal Rescue we love offering overnight lodging as this allows us to share the beauty of the area and joy of our loving animals. Sharing stories of the animals who reside with us in person is a true gift. Visitors experience a great opportunity to respectfully connect and interact with rescue residents in a more natural environment. Also, this great way to raise funds for our rescue by guests paying overnight fees, which then will go directly back into caring for our animals, and the people who care for them. Another key point is we must preserve this unique environment. 

Google Map of the Guayabo Animal Rescue Property.

Food Access for Locals

We provide a variety of fruits and vegetables in our garden and orchid areas to our family of staff who care for the animals, as well as to the people in Guayabo when available. This area includes; beehives producing delicious honey, annual and perennial foods. This area includes native species that attract wildlife and pollinators, and our fruits and vegetables are locally sourced and grown with open pollinated, organic, non-GMO seeds, providing resilient genetics.
We provide a variety of fruits and vegetables in our garden and orchid areas to our family of staff who care for the animals, as well as to the people in Guayabo when available. This area includes; beehives producing delicious honey, annual and perennial foods. This area includes native species that attract wildlife and pollinators, and our fruits and vegetables are locally sourced and grown with open pollinated, organic, non-GMO seeds, providing resilient genetics.