Guayabo Animal Rescue has ‘officially’ had one full year under our belt and oh what a year it’s been! Our team has exceeded all my expectations. The area of Guayabo has embraced our mission, with the most important one being our spay and neuter initiatives. This year will end with 400 surgeries under our belt – that is potentially stopping the unwanted birth of thousands of dogs and cats – THOUSANDS! 

Not to mention the dozens of dogs that have been adopted into loving homes, the educational programming that has touched people from all over the world, as well as close to 100 dogs and cats we’ve saved by medically assisting in their care. Of course, so many other accomplishments this year, which makes my heart overflow with happiness. Truly.
I took on this role of executive director not because I needed a job, as I currently own a technology business, as well as consult with animal welfare organizations throughout the US, but because I knew this beautiful, special area, filled with amazing caring people needed this resource, that until now had nothing like it. I knew in my heart the people would be receptive, but to be honest I didn’t know how much so until now. To share what I’ve learned from my decades of working in this space in a country I love so much has been a blessing… and again has exceeded all my expectations!
And then there’s my team, a team of four hardworking, smart men, and their families…who go above and beyond each day in not only loving on our animals, but carrying out our mission with enthusiasm, even when days are long, tiring, and at times painful. You see it is painful to see how some animals are treated, some due to no homes of their own, and some because people can be horrible having no respect for the life of an animal. My team are to be commended for all they do each day. I travel to Costa Rica quite a bit, but I am not there for the daily work that is exhausting. I am grateful to each of them beyond words!
We’ve seen it all and when you’ve been in this industry long enough, you start to realize one thing…to be the voice for our voiceless is a treasured gift.
To those who’ve supported our efforts, thank you! I know there are millions of amazing causes in the world, many of them animal related, so to trust us, and to believe this very rural area also deserves to be able to help animals and reduce their numbers through spay and neuter is a blessing. To each of you… you’ll never know how grateful we all are to you!
We are excited for a new year to serve more animals and learn even more as to ways we can help. If you haven’t been to Costa Rica to visit, please consider it as our rescue and sanctuary is spectacular in every way. I promise you will fall in love with all our animals – 

Happy Holidays!
Love Nicole