October is a Huge Month for the Rescue

It’s been a whirlwind 2023 with so many great things happening at Guayabo Animal Rescue. Dogs are getting adopted like we never imagined and all our follow-up makes us extremely proud.  Happy Families – Happy Dogs!
Also, our efforts to spay and neuter as many dogs and cats as possible is paying off nicely. Our goal is 500 surgeries by end of the year!
October is a huge month for the rescue…we have our first large adoption event in the city of Liberia (we are one hour away in a rural area), hosting our first large spay and neuter clinic in partnership with Guanavet on October 7th, and will host our one year anniversary celebration on October 14th. Whew…a lot going on and we can’t be more excited.
All of this works due to our amazing team, who not only give 120% of themselves each day, they also believe in the mission of saving lives.
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